21, Jul 2024
Of course, the accompanying array is extremely simple, but anyone who knows some array can see through it at a glance.

For those who really want to enter the hexagram array, they can’t get up to CoM. "There is a companion array saying that they don’t want ordinary people to go in." "In that case, I’m afraid there is something strange here!" Ling day thought of this is not a big…

19, Jul 2024
Royi looked stunned Cheng Tingting said.

When she came to Royi Building in a stable mood, she saw Ling sitting there alone. "Royi, you go home. I’ll find you one day." What decision does Cheng Tingting seem to have made in the building? "good" Royi nodded and gave her a hand. Cheng Tingting is a tough…

12, Jul 2024
But he didn’t throw himself away, and she couldn’t understand his mind. What does this man mean now that he doesn’t get in the oil and salt?

Apologize, explain and explain, as if he didn’t see it. Royi’s thoughts are constantly circling her in her mind. Now she wants to have a good talk with him, but people don’t want to sit there, and they don’t bother to look at her all the time. Until the car…

10, Jul 2024
Just one move.

But beautiful. Everyone saw the sword gaping, and it was so magical that you won by drawing a sword, and it was based on the other person’s psychology. Unless you know it in advance, it is difficult to avoid it. "Cao Jia Dagong wins!" Zhen Yu’s three people are all…

8, Jul 2024
Wen Pin smiled and Huang Xu shook his fist in front of him with a stare. "Why am I wrong?"

Feng Zhang couldn’t resist the letter hand pulled out a brush from several cases and threw it at Huang Xu, who smiled and took it. "If you are a yellow turban insurrectionary, you must be a stupid thief! They are just playing for us! Nine times out of ten, that…

6, Jul 2024
A slam dunk helped the Nuggets get the first goal of the game, but the Grizzlies were able to do this this this season. It’s not the case that Miller and Gasol made a pick-and-roll and then entered the line to attract the Nuggets’ defense. After that, they hit back to Gasol’s three-point line and hit a big two points step by step, which is not to be outdone. The Grizzlies won the first point of the game. To be continued.

Chapter one hundred and sixty What is gorgeous assists? It is quite intriguing that the players from both sides attack and assist for the first time, but this is the first round of confrontation between the two sides, and then the competition for two powerful teams quickly entered a white-hot…

5, Jul 2024
Suddenly all the questions in Ling Feiyang’s heart have been answered!

In 1147, Yuanlaichao was born at midnight with thunder and lightning, perhaps because he absorbed the energy of heaven and earth. Yuanlaichao had a special skill since childhood, which was to control the human energy field. Yuanlaichao’s childhood personality was very kind, which once enabled him to revive dying people…

1, Jul 2024
The cat struggled to get rid of Longye’s big hand. It always had a bad feeling when it saw Longye’s mouth smile

The cat struggled to get rid of Longye’s big hand. It always had a bad feeling when it saw Longye’s mouth smile Back on the ground, the naughty panda immediately wanted to run into the forest, but Garchomp stopped him with a wave of Longye’s hand The naughty panda tries…

28, Jun 2024
Lima was pulled by Anthony, and her heart was sweet. I didn’t expect to say such a thing as soon as she stopped to Antony. She was humbled for a while and her glasses turned red.

"I asked you, did you call me heart breaker in public?" Anthony night unambiguous straight to the point. "I … I … am … I …" Lima didn’t expect Anthony to suddenly ask this question and stammer out a complete sentence. "Need you to answer yes or no" Anthony now…

26, Jun 2024
However, after all, Zhe Bie was not hit by this arrow. Ten iron shield infantry immediately lined up and raised their shields in front of Zhe Bie’s horse. At the same time, ten other infantry jumped and stepped on the shoulders of the top ten soldiers and raised their shields in front of them.

Huang Yaoshi just put the second arrow on the bowstring, and these twenty soldiers have lined up in this three-foot-wide wall, blocking Huang Yaoshi’s sight like a barrier! Huang Yaoshi couldn’t see Zhe Bie’s position, so he had to move his foot to shoot a direct shot of a shield…